
Mummified Vampire Heart Auctioned Off on eBay

The mummified heart is said to be that of vampire Auguste Delagrance, responsible for the deaths of more than forty people back in the 1900, a period of vampirism in the USA. When identified, Delagrance was hunted down by a Romano Catholic priest and a Voodoo Hougan, and and destroyed in 1912.
The seller offers the heart and stake with which the vampire was killed, both stored into an oak box decorated with some hand lettered writing, including the vampires name and the date of its destruction.
I have to admit that this story, based upon some real events that took place in that particular period of time in the United States, such as cases of mass murders and alleged cults, make this heart far more realistic and impressive than it really is.
The extremely detailed prop is made using traditional techniques and although it is made out of dried beef jerky covered in a coat of wax, it certainly does look very realistic (probably feels that way, too) with all the stubs of the major vessels and the hole supposedly made by the stake.
And if you feel you have to have it, there is still some time left, as the auction is on for another 3 days. The current bid is $256.72. Surely, a vampire heart is worth much more than that…