
Day of Geese in Spain

Say that the Day of geese was the founder of the modern bungee jumping. Say that the Day of geese was the founder of the modern bungee jumping.
Day of geese (Antzar Eguna) held annually in the Spanish city of fishermen Lekeytio. Day of geese (Antzar Eguna) held annually in the Spanish city of fishermen Lekeytio.
On a rope suspended from a goose, swim under the boat to him, a man from the boat jumps on a goose, and trying to tear him down. On a rope suspended from a goose, swim under the boat to him, a man from the boat jumps on a goose, and trying to tear him down.
At this time, throw the rope up and down. At this time, throw the rope up and down.
If we managed to tear off his head, then gets lucky goose carcass as a gift. If we managed to tear off his head, then gets lucky goose carcass as a gift.
Now they use the dead geese, but here earlier, when there were no organizations to protect the rights of animals, geese, hung alive. Now they use the dead geese, but here earlier, when there were no organizations to protect the rights of animals, geese, hung alive.